Thursday, July 16, 2009


RSS would be a time saver for me. Student blog comments can be sent directly to me. Also, I would have more control over professional information sent to me.

Ideas for final project

My goal for this class was to learn new ways to help my students improve their reading comprehension and writing skills. I'm planning to develop my own blog linking to other blogs,
images, and videos and develop student assignments based on that information. Students will learn how to read for understanding and write relevant comments in complete sentences. Students will also learn technology vocabulary and how to navigate a blog. I'm hoping at some point for students to build their own blogs. I'm sure as I develop my skills I'll include other aspects available to me such as skype and RSS.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

comments on "Sargent Park Math Zone" post

I thought the math questions could have been more relevant to grade 8 students, but scrolling down I loved the arrangement of his blog, the images and his thoughts regarding students needing to be "passionate" about learning particularly as the school year nears an end.

Wednesday, July 15

Comments on blog "Student Display Names". I agree that after discussions with students regarding internet safety and etiquette students need to take responsibility for their work.
If students are required to display their names it should promote greater effort and better quality work.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Delicious could be a tool to connect me with other teachers and web sites that could provide me with resource to help my students. It would be easier for my students to locate information of particular interest to them.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Assignment Monday, July 13

Goal: Facilitate student learning and creativity. I have fair success teaching students to read, but their comprehension does not often improve along with their skills. My goal is to take ideas I learn in this class and use them to promote student reading comprehension and writing skills. Teaching students how to search for blogs of interest to them and possibly create their own blogs may be an approach that works for some students.

man on the moon

class website

This is the class web site for this week.

Monday, July 13

This is my first post. I'm enjoying learning about blogs but finding it all a bit overwhelming.

Here is a list:

  1. History
  2. geography
  3. reading
  4. writing